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Friday Afternoon Open Thread

The blizzard is now being referred to as "Nemo."

Jesse Jackson, Jr. reportedly has a plea deal that may include up to 5 years in prison. He can ask the judge for probation or any lesser term. He's expected to plead guilty to one felony count of misuse of campaign funds.

I'll be in court the rest of the day, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Open thread time, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) has introduced a bill to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and allow states to decide whether to legalize it. The DEA would no longer have control of marijuana policy. Instead, the ATF would assume control. The ATF would be renamed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana and Firearms. The bill is the Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act. Polis' fact sheet on the bill is here.

A comprehensive report on the CIA's extraordinary rendition and secret detention programs under GW Bush was released this week by the Open Justice Society. The full report, Globalizing Torture, is here. It documents 136 individual cases and the participation of 54 countries in the two programs. On a related note, law prof Jonathan Hafetz discusses the "proxy detentions" of terror suspects in Djibouti and extradition to the U.S. to face criminal trials under Obama's administration.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Night Open Thread

Anonymous hacked the Department of Energy last month, the agency confirmed. No classified info was taken, just personal data. There are also claims that Anonymous is responsible the release of 4,000 bank executives' data today, as part of Operation Last Resort. But the database posted as the U.S. Sentencing Commission's data may not have been a fake. Anyone can claim to be Anonymous.

There's a hearing tomorrow morning in the George Zimmerman case. Here are the motions that will be addressed. His family won't be attending, but his supporters will be singing "Happy Birthday Travyon" in front of the courthouse. (Trayvon would have turned 18 tomorrow.)

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Super Bowl Sunday

It's that time of year again - exotic Super Bowl bets time.

Here what I did:

SUPER BOWL XLVII - The largest points lead of the game by either team will be Over 13½ (6 units)

SUPER BOWL XLVII - Margin of Victory - San Francisco 49ers 7 to 12 points 4/1 (2 units)

SUPER BOWL XLVII - The First Score of the Game will be? Field Goal or Safety (+120) (2 units)

SUPER BOWL XLVII - Will the opening kickoff result in a touchback? No (2 units)

SUPER BOWL XLVII - Who will win the coin toss?Baltimore Ravens (2 units)

SUPER BOWL XLVII - Coin Toss Tails (2 units)

UPDATE - Took the Niners on the moneyline at the half +300, 5 units.

More on the flip.

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Saturday Open Thread

Big Tent Democrat will be posting some Superbowl things tomorrow.

I'm searching for a good fajita recipe to make for the TL kid and his girlfriend/s.o tonight. I'm also looking looking for a store that sells fresh pomegranate juice. In case I strike out, does anyone know whether you can make pomegranate juice by putting the seeds in a Vitamix?

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Night Open Thread

R.I.P. Mayor Ed Koch. Here are some reactions from prominent New Yorkers. He died on the day a new documentary about his life and three terms as Mayor opened.

President Obama has offered a compromise on birth control.

At least 60 Harvard students have been forced to withdraw from the school in the aftermath of a cheating scandal. [More...]

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Thursday Night Open Thread

I'm just catching up with the day's news and I haven't even started to read my e-mail. Until I get caught up, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

Update: I just read that Geraldo Rivera may run for the Senate in New Jersey -- as a Republican. New Jersey hasn't elected a Republican senator since the 1970's.

How popular is Hillary Clinton? Public Policy Polling says she could win Texas.

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Wednesday Morning Open Thread

Morning! Bad GDP number for the 4th quarter. Reason? Drastic drop in government spending. But, but, but Fix the Debt! Idiots.

My own budget policies now include a sizable investment on the 49ers (-4) over the Ravens. Geithner Lew should take a look at that. (I kid.)

Open Thread.

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Monday Open Thread

Mondays always seem to be busy around here. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Busy afternoon, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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