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Thursday Open Thread

Lots of work today. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Night Open Thread

Ryan Lizza at the New Yorker has details of the Government's investigation of Fox News Reporter James Rosen. DOJ also got phone records.

In South Africa, Oscar Pistorius' brother Carl was acquitted of culpable homicide and lesser charges stemming from a car accident.

A Bronx Detective has been charged in federal court with computer hacking -- obtaining emails and personal records of fellow cops and others. The FBI press release is here.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

Busy day. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

Our last open thred (Friday) is all filled up.

I'm off to a college graduation this morning (which unbelievably is going to last four hours until 1 pm, and then with lunch, till 3pm.) Then I get to rush home to meet Comcast who will try and tell me why my DVR machine blacks out every night and loses the saved recordings. Since it's probably a box problem, I guess that means I'll be getting a shiny new DVR. Hard to believe the one I have is already 5 years old. Hard to complain though. How many electronics that you run hours a day for five years can last much longer than that?

On Friday, the Government delivered discovery in my latest case with 18 defendants: 16 wiretapped phones and more than 5,000 pertinent calls, all in Spanish. That's my night-time project, to start digging in. I'll be curious to see what language they're using in 2013 for getting prospective cell cite locator information -- whether they are sticking to their argument that they don't need to show probable cause, just a relevance showing under the Stored Communications Act, or whether they've modified it to include probable cause based on the numerous recent court decisions distinguishing between historical and real-time data. In a recent case, I asked the FBI agent if they had the real time locator information showing on a monitor in the control room where they listen to the wiretap calls, and he said yes.

Here's an order denying prospective or real-time cell site locator data by a Magistrate judge named Owsley in Texas. [More...]

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Thursday Open Thread

I'm offline today, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday News and Open Thread

Washington Post: The real scandal in the AP phone logs matter: That it's legal. (and reporters already get more protection than the rest of us.)

Angelina Jolie explains her decision to have a preventive double mastectomy.

Caroline Kennedy has been selected as a juror in a NYC crack cocaine case.

Eric Holder will testify tomorrow at a congressional hearing. Added to the agenda: The AP telephone toll records and IRS targeting of conservative groups. Already on the agenda:

Intelligence coordination issues related to the Boston bombings, DOJ spending that Republicans deem wasteful, and conservative allegations of politicization under Holder.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Afternoon Open Thread

There was a hearing in the James Holmes Aurora theater shooting case today. The judge ruled Holmes has met the test for changing his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity. The change of plea hearing will be held at a later date.

Abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell has been convicted of first degree murder.

Busy day today, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Night Open Thread

Move over, Bon Jovi. One of the happiest and funniest videos, from of all places, the Jay Leno Show's Pumpcast News. In three days, it's gotten 6 million views. (Thanks to reader Magster for pointing me to it last night.)

Jay brought the couple back to the show to sing with the Late Show band. Is The Voice next?

My agenda tonight: The Survivor finale, Celebrity Apprentice and Nurse Jackie.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Happy Mother's Day Open Thread

Happy Mother's Day to All. What's Mothers' Day without pictures of the kids who made us mothers? Here are some of my favorites of the TL kid and me, in chronological order:

1982: Denver


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Friday Open Thread

O.J. Simpson could get a new trial in his Nevada case. Hearing next week.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

There's a congressional hearing today on the Boston Marathon bombing - undoubtedly more calls for security and information sharing.

Ariel Castro's bond was set at $8 million.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Open Thread

Long day, spent entirely with sprinkler and air conditioning people. One pipe had a pin leak, the AC unit was really dirty. But what a difference.


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